Tuesday 20 March 2007

Two weeks and counting...

I've joined a gym.

Now what makes this news particularly newsworthy is that I have a phobia to any kind of exercise, no matter how remote. I live 5 houses down from the local supermarket, and I'm renowned for driving there if I need milk or whatever. I will use the ramp rather than the stairs, even if its just a couple of steps, etc, etc. I have not actually exercised since I was (forced) on the girls soccer team in year 12. And before that my attempts at being healthy would generally last a week (can't resist my cookies/cake/sweets in general. Or fries. I love fries.)

But somehow, along the way, my friend conned me into going to the gym with her. No idea how she did it.

I'm now a member (WTF? How did that happen?!)

I'm now in my third week of going... in a row. And I'm enjoying it. I have totally been taken over by an alien. I was a hardcore, dedicated, exercise-phobic being, who worked hard at doing as little exercise as possible. Now I'm a gym junkie.

We'll see how long this lasts. Let it be declared here that my first gym class (there's bodyStep, bodyPump and bodyBalance) was undertaken on the 6th of March 2007. If sanity prevails it will all be over soon. If not, may I be so buff I'll put Elle McPherson (aka "the Body") to shame! Wait, make it Heidi Klum, she's also known as the body and she's younger.

1 comment:

Missy said...

i want uni cookies!

and also, good work. i need an annoying friend to drag me to the gym. keep it up!