Saturday 24 March 2007

National Badge Day

A bit of a political post here but too bad. You've gotta listen. Think it doesn't affect you? Well, you're an idiot for thinking that. This is federal legislation, so it will affect everyone.

March 27th is National Badge Day, a campaign run by the Liquor, Hospitality and Miscellaneous Workers Union (LHMU) to bring awareness to the harsh, unfair and unjust WorkChoices legislation the Howard government introduced one year ago.

An AWA (Australian Workplace Agreement) is an individual contract. Your employer is the only person who makes up the contract, so there is no security, barely any legislation guaranteeing your conditions. They can pick and choose whatever conditions they want for you. Here are the facts, put out by the government itself*, on the state of conditions since WorkChoices was introduced:

  • 64% of AWAs cut Annual Leave Loading
  • 63% cut Penalty Rates
  • 52% cut Shift Work Loadings
  • 51% cut Overtime Loadings
  • 48% cut Monetary Allowances
  • 46% cut Public Holiday payments
  • 40% cut REST BREAKS
  • 36% cut Declared Public Holidays
Honestly, how can you cut REST BREAKS?!? Its all shocking, but even the most basic of entitlements, that 10min break for a freaking fag (i don't smoke but still!) can be cut!
How the hell was this legislation even allowed to pass through parliament? Because Howard has control of both houses of Parliament. As a consequence, he's allowed to pass whatever law he wants. AWAs don't affect him as he is employed by the Australian people, and is guaranteed a helluva lot of things. Lets see how he'd react if we cut his travel allowance. His housing allowance. He'd be singing a different tune.

You may not think this affects you. My workmates recently found out they were very wrong. We lost leave loading (some up to $400 each), District Allowance, and Night Allowance. If myself and a friend had not been members of the union, and had not fought with HR and the managers, we would also not be receiving penalty rates, because that appeared gone too. Its not WorkChoices, because we don't have a choice. A lot of us can't afford to look for another job, and those of us that do find the same situation elsewhere. That's not a choice.

Howard and his cronies are parroting on about how unemployment is at its lowest, and how wages have rised. THIS IS BECAUSE OF THE MINING AND RESOURCES BOOM! When that dies down, as everything that goes up, must come down, the real problems will come shining through.
2007 is election year. This is the time to tell Howard what we think of his unjust Work"Choices" law. If you don't care what happens to you, then think of your children, and grand children. The future. Because this will affect them too. Wear your badge or sticker with pride this Tuesday (yes, Missy, this includes YOU) and fight for your rights. If you want to join the campaign against WorkChoices, visit the website

*Incidently, Howard has put a blanket ban on the Office of Workplace Relations and the Office of the Employment Advocate from releasing any data on AWAs. Not the actions of someone who's pleased with the results now is it?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well written article.